Cold weather, aches & pain

Well you’ve probably noticed that the cold and windy weather is really upon us, especially over these last few weeks. Cold weather in winter not only affects our mood and motivation, but also directly impacts on our muscles and joints. Why is this? Reduced daylight hours and cold temperatures act as deterrents to us gettingContinue reading “Cold weather, aches & pain”

Core stability and low back pain

Within physiotherapy, rehabilitation and fitness industries core exercises constitutes a one of the biggest topics to help treat or manage low back pain (LBP). Whilst manual and manipulative therapy has been proven to provide excellent relief in the short-term for an acute injury to the lumbar spine, the problem arises in the people who reportContinue reading “Core stability and low back pain”

Physiotherapy facts you need to know

Physiotherapy has been pretty effective in the management and treatment of diabetes, arthritis, spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, stroke and a host of respiratory issues. Physiotherapists help you with effective tools and techniques to achieve, as well as, maintain an optimum degree of pain-free and functional existence. Physiotherapists would suggest a host of treatmentsContinue reading “Physiotherapy facts you need to know”

Role of Physiotherapy in two typical sports injuries

Most medical experts suggest a multidisciplinary approach towards the treatment of sports injuries. Besides classical medicine, physiotherapy in Melbourne is extremely effective in the rehabilitation of the athlete so that they find their way back to full fitness with time. There is a wide range of well-documented approaches which are proven to be effective in particular situationsContinue reading “Role of Physiotherapy in two typical sports injuries”

Ways to recover fast from injuries

Though your intention is to avoid injuries, we are yet to encounter a sportsperson or a fitness enthusiast, who has never got injured in his career or lifetime. Sports professionals and fitness freaks often end up getting injured. So your aim should really be to get rid of the injuries more effectively and quickly. HereContinue reading “Ways to recover fast from injuries”

Some common sports injuries

Sports injuries could really be a cause of major stress to any professional athlete. Your entire conditioning and athletic training go for a real toss due to injuries. Most professional athletes are eager to get back to their usual form and fitness at the earliest possible after suffering a sports injury. In this context, youContinue reading “Some common sports injuries”

Role of Physiotherapy in Sports Injuries

Several sports injuries are known to benefit from physiotherapy. Physiotherapy helps in the treatment of ligament sprains, muscle strains, fractures, and dislocations. The kind of physiotherapy treatment you require depends primarily on your specific sports injury. Physiotherapy treatments seem to vary, but you should have an active say regarding the kind of physiotherapy you wouldContinue reading “Role of Physiotherapy in Sports Injuries”